Do you want to learn the MERN stack but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have tried to learn on your own, but just haven\’t been able to get over the hurdle of all of the technology and terminology involved. Either way, we have the perfect solution for you! Our MERN Stack job ready training course will teach you everything you need to know about using React, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Plus, we offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our program! Why wait any longer? Start your journey towards a new career today!
What Is MERN Stack?
The MERN stack is a JavaScript-based web development stack that includes MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. This stack enables developers to quickly create dynamic and responsive web applications.
With the MERN stack, you can create full-stack web applications from scratch using only JavaScript. This makes it easy to get started with web development and eliminates the need to learn multiple programming languages.
MERN Stack Job Ready Training In Nepal
Under the direction of highly experienced MERN STACK professionals, Vrit Technologies has been offering MERN STACK Job Ready training in Nepal. Building a strong foundation for the creation of sophisticated web applications is the main objective of MERN STACK training. With the use of MongoDB, Express, React Js, and Node Js, the training aims to deliver skills in full-stack development.
MERN STACK uses a uniform language which comprised of four components namely:
- MongoDB: MongoDB is a powerful document-oriented database system. It has an index-based search feature that makes data retrieval quick and easy.
- Express: Express is a minimalistic framework that provides a great deal of flexibility to developers when it comes to building web applications and APIs.
- ReactJS: ReactJS is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets us create reusable UI components.
- NodeJS: NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code on your server. NodeJS is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which makes it fast and efficient.
Benefits Of MERN Stack
If you’re looking to become a full-stack developer, the MERN stack is a great option. Here are 8 benefits of using the MERN stack:
1. The MERN stack uses JavaScript throughout, so it’s easy to learn if you’re already familiar with the language.
2. All of the components of the MERN stack are open source, so there’s no need to spend any money on licenses or software.
3. MongoDB is a powerful and popular database system that’s easy to use with the MERN stack.
4. Express is a fast and lightweight web framework that makes development with the MERN stack quick and easy.
5. React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It’s fast, efficient, and easy to use with the MERN stack.
6. Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that lets you build scalable applications quickly and easily.
7. The MERN stack is supported by a large and active community of developers, so you can find help and support when you need it.
8. The MERN stack is constantly evolving, so you can always be sure you’re using the latest and greatest technology.
Benefits Of MERN Stack Development Training At Vrit Technologies
Candidates can benefit from a number of things by enrolling in the MERN STACK Job Ready Traning course at Vrit Technologies:
- Vrit Technologies MERN Stack job-ready Training will help you become a better developer.
- You will get to learn new technologies and tools that can make you more efficient and productive.
- The training will also help you understand how to work with different types of databases, including MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS.
- With this training, you will also be able to improve your problem-solving skills and learn how to troubleshoot issues more effectively.
- In addition, you will also have the opportunity to learn about deployment and scalability concepts that are essential for large-scale applications.
- The training will also teach you how to create applications that are more user-friendly and responsive.
- You will also learn how to use different types of testing methods to ensure the quality of your code.
- Finally, you will be able to get a job-ready certification from Vrit Technologies which will help you get hired by top companies.
MERN Stack Training Courses
MERN Stack (Mongo, Express, React, and Node.js) Training is a deep dive into the MERN Stack of technologies. It is an open-source JavaScript-based web application stack that helps in creating scalable server-side applications. It is basically a collection of modular JavaScript web development tools that work together. At Vrit Technologies, we are specialized in providing MERN Stack Training accessible through different learning options.
As the popularity of JavaScript frameworks has been increasing, lots of new ones are created as well. Among them, the MERN stack is one of the most popular frameworks that come with features like intuitive and developer-friendly APIs, testability, and performance that can be used to build web and mobile applications.
MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. These documents can have their structure modified and fields can be added, removed, or changed. The structure is enforced by a schema.
Express JS
Express.js is a framework for Node.js that helps simplify the process of web application development. While there are several frameworks and libraries in this sphere, only Express.js is open-source and free of charge.
React JS
What is React? It’s a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React makes it fast and easy to build interactive web and mobile applications by bundling all of the logic in one place and allowing complete control over the user’s experience by any JavaScript developer.
Node JS
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices
Why should you learn MERN Stack?
- Full Stack Development:
MERN is a full-stack JavaScript framework that allows you to develop a fully functional application using only JavaScript.
- It’s super simple:
There are 3 core frameworks in MERN – Database, React and Node but the basics of each framework are quite simple to learn if you are familiar with HTML and CSS. Each of these frameworks has a different purpose but they all work together to create a dynamic website or web app without any issues. So if you are looking for something that’s easy to learn and work with then MERN is the way to go!
MERN Stack Training Syllabus
Introduction Day1; 1hr
- Introduction to Course
- Installing the Text Editors, IDE
- What is the Web?
- Review of Project and what we can do with the course
- Existing Project Overview
Environment SetUp Day1: 1hr
- Command Prompt(Command Line)
- Git and GitHub Introduction
- Git workflow(Branching, Push, Pull)
- NPM, Yarn
- Postman
HTML Crash Course Day 2: 1hr
- Introduction and HTML Basics
- Basic Tagging
- Lists
- Divs and Spans
- Attributes
- Tables
- Forms Basics
- Forms and Labels
- Forms and Selections
CSS Day3: 1hr
- CSS Basics
- Backgrounds and Borders
- Selectors Tags
- Specificity
- Fonts
- Box Model
BootStrap Overview Day4: 1hr
- Bootstrap Introduction
- Buttons
- Forms
- Navbars
- Grid
JavaScript 6hr
- Basics
- Connecting Javascript
- Operators
- Control Flow
- Loops
- Functions and Closure
- Arrays
- Objects
- Inbuilt Methods
- Prototypes(prototype-based inheritance)
- ES5 and ES6 standards
Node JS 2hr
- What is Node js?
- Installing Node js
- Command Prompt Basics
- The Inbuilt modules of Node js
Express JS
- Introduction to Express
- Starting the localhost server using Express
- Request and Response
- Installing the Nodemon (npm package)
- Routing in Express
- Responding to the request with an HTML file
- body-parser module
- Introduction to the API
- Introducing JSON – a way of communicating
- Making a weather forecasting website
- GET request for JSON
- parsing the JSON
- Getting live API data
- body-parser to post requests to the server
- Installing MongoDB
- Everything about MongoDB
- How to Use MongoDB
- Installing MongoDB on windows
- Installing MongoDB module as a global package using npm
- Connecting MongoDB using the MongoDB client
- MongoDB client – inserting data
- Reading all data from mongo DB.
- Updating data in MongoDB
- Deleting data from mongo DB.
Working with Relational Databases (MySQL)
- Installation of MySQL
- Connecting to MySQL
- Inserting values into DB.
- Reading values from DB.
- Updating values of DB.
- Deleting values of DB.
Working with Buffers
Creating buffers
Writing into buffers
Reading from buffers
Convert buffer to JSON
Concatenate Buffers
Compare Buffers Copy Buffer
Buffer Length
Class Methods
Rest API
- Introduction to the REST API
- Working with ROBO 3T
- GET(all) method
- POST method
- DELETE(all) method
- GET(one) method
- DELETE(one) method
- What are React and its advantages
- Creating our very first react app
- using code sandbox and learning to react
- Introduction to React apps jsx
- JSX attributes and styling the elements
- Inline styling for reacting elements
- React components
- Javascript es6 Import export function
- props in react
- Mapping data to components
- tips on using React tools
- Conditional Rendering
- React router
- Router render vs Router Component difference
- use params in React routers
- use location
- use history in react routers
- use Effect
- Event Handling and forms
- Handling form components
- React Axios async await and Pokemon API
- changing complex state JSX
- ES6 spread operator
- Context API with functional components
- problem at hand
- use context hook
- React redux Introduction
- Creating our redux app
- File structure for react-redux
- Designing our cart component
- Creating the action for our website
- Creating reducers
- Creating containers
- Complete Redux flow
- Adding the value to the cart
- Sharing data between components
- Removing from the cart functionality
- creating store and reducers
- Receiving data from REST API
- Refactoring the code
- Creating the add contact component
- Adding the contact details using useDispatch
- Fixing warnings and creating a file structure
- Adding the edit contact Function
- Delete an individual Contact
- Introduction to Redux thunk and middlewares
Social Media
- Project Overview
- Starting up our Project
- Let’s learn about Middlewares
- Setting up our server
- Creating the Schema
- Connecting to MongoDB cloud database
- Hashing passwords
- Creating a Login route
- What is JWT?
- Using the JWT
- Creating Middleware
- Creating the Schema(post)
- Creating the GET(all) route
- Posts created by user route
- Setting up the React application (Front end)
- Creating the Signup and Sign-in page
- Profile page UI
- The Home page UI
- Creating a Post
- Posting data to the Server
- Sign in feature
- Creating the upload functionality
- Using tokens to upload the image
- Adding Context API
- showing the required links in the nav bar
- Showing all the posts on the home page
- Log out feature
- User info on the profile page
- Like and unlike feature (front end and back end)
- Comment feature (front end and back end)
- Deleting the post
- Profile page of other users (front end and back end)
- Follow and unfollow feature (front end and back end)
- Fixing bugs
- Fixing the unlimited followers bug
- Showing the post of the following(front end and back end)
- Uploading profile picture while signing up
Deploying to Heroku
- Install Heroku CLI
- Prepare For Deployment
- Deploy To Heroku
Graph Theory
- What is Graphic Design?
- Process of Becoming a Graphic Designer
- The Anatomy of Typography
- Different Type Styles
- Using Type in Layout and Design
- Font Pairing Basics
- Working with Typography
- Color Theory
- Student Challenge – Exploring Color Palettes
- Photos in Design
- Layout and Blocking in Design
- Layout Theory
- Texture, Drop Shadows, Layering, and Light
- Color Profiles, Sizes, and Bleed
Our MERN Stack course is designed to provide you with all the skills and knowledge you need to land a job. We offer top-notch facilities and training, and our job partner, Vrit Jobs is Nepal’s leading job portal in finance and tech. With a money-back guarantee, your job is 100% guaranteed!
So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start your journey to a successful career!
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